Lindsey’s Oyster
(Theater for Young Adults) When a date with the captain of the lacrosse team spirals out of control, sixteen-year-old Lindsey must reconstruct what happened with the help of a tattoo artist named Rooster

Sixteen-year-old Lindsey is “texting” Dylan, captain of the Lacrosse team. When he invites her to the cemetery for a party with his friends she goes, the date quickly spirals out of her control. When her parents discover she is pregnant, they pressure her to have an abortion, but Lindsey resists. Instead, she decides to get a tattoo and must convince Rooster, the Tattoo Artist of Saints and Sinners Tattoo Shop that she is “ready to get inked.” Through texting and memory, in her relationship with her BFF Melinda and the Tattoo Artist, Lindsey begins to gain a more complex understanding of what happened that night, reclaiming the narrative of her life and her ability to reshape her own destiny.